
Since 2006, Skærsøgaard has produced distillates of both grape and fruit, with or without barrel maturation. The wines are produced by micro distillation with professional German equipment in a 255 L copper pot.

The following types are produced: Grape Brændevin, which is a clear “Grappa”-esque distillate of red grape skin from the main wine production without barrel maturation. The bottles contain a small decorative vine-branch.

Brandy som er et fadlagret druedestillat med 10-15 års fadlagring. Denne fremstilles ud over den normale alkoholkoncentration på 40% også som en specialitet på 62% – ”cask strenght”.
ÆbleBrandy and PæreBrandy which are 100% Danish barrel-matured apple or pear distillates of a high quality.

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