Enjoy a glass of Spirits Case
kr. 880.00
Enjoy a glass of Spirits Case contains three distillates - two of grapes - one apple
1 bottle Brandy X.O.
Danish Brandy 35 cl. 40 % vol. Made from Skærsøgaard's grapes
Distilled and matured in small oak barrels for 10 years.
Numbered, only 436 bottles produced.
1 bottle Druebrændevin med kvist
Danish Brændevin (liquor) made from grapes. 35 cl. 40 % vol. Micro-distillate of pomace from Rondo
Soft and Grappa-like aromatic taste with increasing colour from a small vine-branch within the bottle.
1 bottle ØKO ÆbleBrandy
Organic Danish apple-brandy 35 cl. 41 % vol.
Made from the apple varieties Pigeon and Ingrid Marie, amongst others.
Distilled and matured in oak barrels for 5 years.